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Maisie Williams says bye to Arya Stark with a tattoo

The actress of Game of Thrones celebrates the end of the shooting of the series tattooing, as well as her sister in fiction Sophie Turner.
The end of Game of Thrones is approaching and some of the main actors are already paying their particular tributes. This is the case of Maisie Williams, or the intrepid Arya Stark in the fiction of G.R.R. Martin, who has chosen to tattoo two simple words that in the series have had great significance in his life. The actress, only 21 years old, took advantage of her Instagram profile to publish an image from Bang Bang studio located in New York, a place that many celebrities have come to get tattooed, like Justin Bieber or Rihanna. The option chosen by the little one of the Stark has been to engrave on her skin the words 'No One', 'nobody' in the Spanish version, which refers to the process by which Arya becomes a fighter and survives in the City Free of Braavos.

He is not the first person in the cast of the HBO series who decides to tattoo to celebrate the end of the series. The other of the Stark sisters, Sansa, played by Sophie Turner, also decided to decorate her body with a motif related to the world of Westeros. 'The pack survives' (the pack survives) was the message that was tattooed accompanied by the Stark logo. In this case a great stir was formed, since the followers of Game of Thrones interpreted this as a spoiler of the eighth and last season.

After the last season they wait for the spin off As soon as the end of the series is produced, the wait for possible prequels and sequels that may exist will be renewed. At the moment only one is known, which will start to roll in October and will not see the light until the year 2020. Created by Jane Goldman, in 'The Long Night', so it could be titled, we'll know the history of Westeros long before Daenerys, Jon Snow or Arya Stark herself arrived. It will be set in 10,000 years before the time that narrates the eight seasons. 'It is the decline of the world, from the Golden Age of lso heroes to the darkest moment'. The origin of the White Walkers and the terrible secrets hidden in the history of Poniente will be revealed.

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